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You Can Go Where the Pirates of Charleston Went!

The Tavern: the oldest continually operating spirits establishment in the country!

A waterfront tavern in the late 1600s, the Tavern would have served pirates.

History of the Tavern

Even Prohibition couldn't stop the flow of liquor!

Powder Magazine Museum

Built in 1713, the Powder Magazine is the only surviving element of the walled city's original fortifications.

Captain Bob in the Powder Magazine pillory

No worries - he can chew his way out.

The Battery

Charleston's famous Battery used to be lined with cannon for the city's defense.

The Pink House

Late 17th century tavern and brothel that entertained pirates

Pirate Memorial in White Point Gardens

Looks like a tombstone because it is. It details the hangings of 2 pirate crews.

Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon

This 1771 building sits on what used to be the half-moon battery section of the city wall. The watch house, used to imprison pirates, was located at the battery.

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